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easy-arch is a bash script that boostraps Arch Linux with sane opinionated defaults.

One-step Automated Install (shorter)

bash <(curl -sL

Alternative Methods (manual)

wget -O
chmod +x

Partitions layout

The partitions layout is simple and it consists solely of two partitions:

  1. A FAT32 partition (512MiB), mounted at /boot/ as ESP.
  2. A LUKS2 encrypted container, which takes the rest of the disk space, mounted at / as root.
Partition Number Label Size Mountpoint Filesystem
1 ESP 512 MiB /boot/ FAT32
2 Cryptroot Rest of the disk / BTRFS Encrypted (LUKS2)

BTRFS subvolumes layout

The BTRFS subvolumes layout follows the traditional and suggested layout used by Snapper, you can find it here.

Subvolume Number Subvolume Name Mountpoint
1 @ /
2 @home /home
3 @root /root
4 @srv /srv
5 @snapshots /.snapshots
6 @var_log /var/log
7 @var_pkgs /var/cache/pacman/pkg